
Connecticut Rep. Jahana Hayes recently introduced a resolution calling on Congress to affirm its support for providing living wages, good benefits and fair working conditions to paraeducators, classroom assistants, bus drivers, custodial workers and others who are vital to our public education system.

Event Alert - Anchorage Teddy Bear Picnic​ - Posted: Friday, July 7, 2017

Greetings members! Your AMEA board would like to invite you to the 2nd Annual Anchorage Teddy Bear Picnic (click for Facebook event page); happening Saturday, July 22 from 12:00pm-3:00pm at Cuddy Family Midtown Park.

Event Alert - Shop Steward Training​ - Posted: Thursday, September 14, 2017

Greetings AMEA members!

There will be Union Shop Steward training available for current shop stewards and those who are interested in becoming shop stewards.

Dates:                   October 25th,26th, and 27th 

Time                      9am to3pm

Location:              AMEA union hall, 4001 Denali Street

Reminder: AFSCME Family Scholarship - Posted: Friday, November 3, 2017

Notice: Health Plan Changes - Posted: Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Members, please be advised of incoming changes to the high-deductible health plan:

Due to IRS rulings, the high-deductible premium of $1,300.00 is illegal. The high-deductible should be $1,350.00. Therefore in 2018, the high-deductible will go to $1,350.00. Due to the higher deduction, member’s premiums will decrease by $5.00 per month. This decrease will be added to the members HSA, thus an extra $60.00 will go into their HSA.

Notice: Submit Your Member In Need Nominations Posted: Tuesday, November 14, 2017

It is time to submit your nominations for the “Annual AMEA Member in Need Award”.  Please see below for an excerpt from our AMEA Bylaws.

Reminder: Submit Your Member In Need Nominations Posted: Thursday, December 7, 2017


The Member In Need Nominations deadline has been extended until Wednesday, December 13th (More info is below). Please submit your nominations as soon as possible! If you know of any member that has faced difficulties recently, please consider nominating them for this award.

AMEA Election Results - Originally Posted: Friday, December 8, 2017

Here are the results of for the election of Vice President, Treasurer, and three open board seats.